Recognizing Outstanding Preservation Projects

For more than 45 years, the Trust has recognized preservation projects and individuals in the state who have made significant contributions to the field of historic preservation.

Each year, the Preservation Awards ceremony is held during the weekend of The Georgia Trust Spring Ramble. Awards are presented on the basis of the contributions of the person or project to the community and/or state and on compliance to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.

Nominations for 2025 Preservation Awards are now closed.

The 2025 Preservation Awards will be announced at the Spring Ramble on April 26, 2025 in Brunswick, GA.

See FAQs and past recipients below.

Award Categories

Excellence in Rehabilitation awards recognize projects that make compatible use of a building through repair, alterations or additions while preserving features of the property that convey its historic value.

Excellence in Sustainable Rehabilitation awards recognize rehabilitation projects that also incorporate appropriate conservation and sustainable treatments to lessen a building’s environmental impact while preserving significant features that convey its historic significance.

Awards for Excellence in Restoration recognize exemplary restoration of historic structures. An accurate restoration project depicts the form, features and character of a historic building as it appeared at a particular period of time. Restoration requires sensitive upgrading of mechanical systems and other code-required work to make the site functional.

Awards for Excellence in Preservation recognize the appropriate preservation of historic resources and creative interpretations of historic sites.

The Stewardship award recognizes those who have ensured the preservation of historic properties through long-term care and maintenance, stabilization, protection or continuous family ownership.

Preservation Service awards recognize persons, groups, businesses and/or government entities that demonstrate exemplary activities and promotion of awareness in the field of historic preservation.

Preservation Awards FAQ

They are given every year at the Trust’s Preservation Awards Ceremony, held during the weekend of the Trust’s Spring Ramble.

All nominators and award recipients will be notified approximately one month prior to the Preservation Awards Ceremony. All are welcome to attend the Preservation Awards Ceremony which will be part of The Georgia Trust’s Spring Ramble.

The Georgia Trust’s Preservation Awards Committee reviews projects in the categories of Restoration, Rehabilitation, Sustainable Rehabilitation, Preservation, Stewardship and Preservation Service. The Committee then makes recommendations to the Trust’s Board of Trustees. The Georgia Trust may also present the Camille W. Yow Volunteer of the Year Award, the Mary Gregory Jewett Award and the Marguerite Williams Award. These awards are selected by the officers of The Georgia Trust Board of Trustees and may not be presented annually.

The Awards Committee of The Georgia Trust bases its decisions on the contributions of the person or project to the community and/or state and on the project’s compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.

No, we like to highlight current preservation projects, so only those three years old and newer are eligible.

Yes. Although we like to have historical photos, many times they are just not available. Please submit your nomination form regardless of whether or not you have an old photo of the building (“old” meaning 50 years or older).