Saving Places That Matter

As one of the country’s leading statewide, nonprofit preservation organizations, the Trust provides preservation resources for individuals and communities throughout the state, offers a variety of educational programs for adults and children, and advocates for funding, tax incentives and other laws aiding preservation efforts.

Places in Peril

The Georgia Trust’s Places in Peril program seeks to identify and preserve historic sites threatened by demolition, neglect, lack of maintenance, inappropriate development or insensitive public policy.

Preservation Awards

For more than 40 years, the Trust has recognized preservation projects and individuals in the state who have made significant contributions to the field of historic preservation.

Grants & Fellowships

The Trust offers grants for historic preservation projects, as well as fellowships for research and travel study.

African American Preservation Program

The Georgia Trust is expanding its educational efforts and enhancing hands-on assistance to provide African American sites with successful tools for preservation.

West Atlanta Preservation Initiative

Through this program the Georgia Trust demonstrates that it is feasible to rehabilitate and revitalize neighborhoods affordably and sustainably.

Revolving Fund

Established in 1990, the Revolving Fund provides effective alternatives to demolition or neglect of architecturally and historically significant properties by promoting their rehabilitation and enabling owners of endangered historic properties to connect with buyers who will rehabilitate their properties.


A preservation easement is a legal interest which regulates changes to a historic building and its land and may be given or sold by a property owner to a charitable organization.

Historic Preservation Institute

Throughout the year, the Trust offers courses that feature various topics including the history of Atlanta's architecture, the legal foundations of historic preservation, and the economic incentives available to rehab projects.

Georgia Trust GREEN

This program combines advocacy and education to provide homeowners with the necessary tools to make significant and verifiable improvements to their home’s energy efficiency while maintaining its historic integrity.

EarthCraft Sustainable Preservation

EarthCraft Sustainable Preservation (ECSP) is a regional green building certification program created specifically for historic buildings.


The Georgia Trust works with a statewide network of preservation advocates who encourage state and national public policies that promote the preservation of historic resources and tax credits and funding for preservation projects.