Founded in 1973, the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation works for the preservation and revitalization of Georgia’s diverse historic resources and advocates their appreciation, protection and use.
As one of the country’s leading statewide, nonprofit preservation organizations, the Trust generates community revitalization by finding buyers for endangered properties acquired by its Revolving Fund and raises awareness of other endangered historic resources through an annual listing of Georgia’s “Places in Peril.” The Trust recognizes preservation projects and individuals with its annual Preservation Awards and awards students and professionals with the Neel Reid Prize and Liz Lyon Fellowship. The Trust offers a variety of educational programs for adults and children, provides technical assistance to property owners and historic communities, advocates for funding, tax incentives and other laws aiding preservation efforts, and manages two house museums in Atlanta (Rhodes Hall) and Macon (Hay House).
The Trust’s headquarters are in Rhodes Hall in Midtown Atlanta. (Directions) Rhodes Hall is owned by the State of Georgia and operated by The Georgia Trust. The Trust owns and operates another house museum—Hay House in Macon. Through partnerships with preservation organizations around the state, the Trust is able to stay abreast of preservation issues and activities statewide.
You can join online or call 404-885-7818 to receive a membership brochure.
The Trust’s development office is happy to answer any questions you may have about donating to the Trust. Please call 404-885-7803 and speak to our Development Director for more information or visit our Donate webpage to learn more about making a gift to the Trust.