The main phone number at Rhodes Hall is 404-881-9980. You can also contact staff members at Rhodes Hall state headquarters directly. The last four digits of the direct line also serve as the staff member’s extension when calling the main phone number. As always, we welcome your phone calls and invite you to stay in touch with us by phone, fax (404-875-2205), or contact us through the website.

W. Wright Mitchell

W. Wright Mitchell

President & CEO

Traci Clark Rothwell

Traci Clark Rothwell

Senior Director of Communications

Bryn Chanudet

Bryn Chanudet

Senior Director of Development

Brittany Darlington

Brittany Darlington

Director of Special Events

Ben Sutton

Ben Sutton

Director of Preservation

Danielle Meunier

Danielle Meunier

Preservation Programs Coordinator

Kate Dutilly

Kate Dutilly

Historic Properties Coordinator

Chrystal Butts

Chrystal Butts

Membership and Finance Manager

Dana Ponder

Dana Ponder

Director of Finance and Administration

Caroline Plott

Caroline Plott

Rhodes Hall Events Coordinator

Lane Fuller

Lane Fuller

Communications Associate

Aubrey Newby

Aubrey Newby

Director of Hay House

Clint Sims

Clint Sims

Hay House Operations Manager

Erin Evans

Erin Evans

Hay House Manager of Collections and Education