Whitfield House

Savannah - Chatham County

Built in 1903, the Whitfield House in the heart of Savannah’s Eastside Historic District reflects the popular Queen Anne architecture of the neighborhood. In the late 20th century, the home was converted into a duplex, resulting in massive changes to the interior and exterior. However, a recent historic rehabilitation effort, initiated by the Historic Savannah Foundation’s Revolving Fund, restored new life into this historic gem. Working with a preservation consultant, the homeowner and architect developed plans to restore the original historic features, including the restoration of the porch and the transformation of the house back into a single-family home. Facing challenges such as missing exterior wall material and interior alterations, the project meticulously restored the house to its former glory. Archival evidence guided the restoration of the historic wraparound porch and interior layout, ensuring compliance with preservation standards. Utilizing historic tax credits, this project not only revitalized a neglected property but also contributed to preservation efforts in Savannah’s Eastside neighborhood.

Excellence in Rehabilitation Awards recognize projects that make compatible use of a building through repair, alterations or additions while preserving features of the property that convey its historic value.