If you’ve got an hour or a day to spare, we have a job for you!
Staff Supporters
If you’ve got an hour or a day to spare, and would like to see how the Trust operates, we have a job for you! We are always grateful for an extra pair of hands to help out with mailings, membership, answering phones, plan special events, and a variety of other tasks. No skills required; you can work regularly or just come in when you’re available. Please contact membership@georgiatrust.org or 404-885-7818 for details.
Special Event Staff
Our special event volunteers have a great time! You can choose whatever event(s) you would like to help staff: the Rhodes Race at the Haunted Castle, Santa at Rhodes Hall, and more. It’s a quick, fun way to get involved, and to attend some great events! Please contact specialevents@georgiatrust.org or 404-885-7812 for details.
Volunteer Workdays
We host volunteer workdays throughout the state that seek to improve historic properties. On these days, we often get our hands dirty doing yard work, painting or assisting in other maintenance. Check our events calendar to see if there’s an upcoming volunteer workday.