Grand Opera House

Originally constructed in 1884 as the Academy of Music, the Grand Opera House was renovated into its present-day appearance in 1905. The most recent rehabilitation to the Grand Opera House was completed in three phases, which involved updating The Grand’s stage, new seating throughout the entire main level and second-floor balcony, relocating all main floor administrative offices to the unused basement, expansion of the lobby and restrooms, and new, period-appropriate carpet and floor finishes. The third and final work phase, completed in 2018, was funded by a $5 million allocation of Macon-Bibb County SPLOST funds. Thanks to the support of Macon-Bibb County and the stewardship of Mercer University, this theatre remains a centerpiece for performing arts in Macon.
Awards for Excellence in Preservation recognize the appropriate preservation of historic resources and creative interpretations of historic sites.