Fort Valley Freight Depot

Fort Valley - Peach County
c. 1871

The Story

The Central of Georgia Railroad erected the current brick freight depot in 1871 following the design for a number of postbellum depot facilities referred to as American Railroad Style. The design features elements such as deep, overhanging eaves, round-arched service doors and paired and carved brackets. For more than a century, the Fort Valley Freight Depot served as the key point for shipping and distribution of the South’s industrial products and agricultural products. Only ten depots of similar design remain standing in Georgia.

The Threat

Fort Valley has secured a grant for the project from the Georgia Department of Transportation but it requires a match, so they are actively working on fundraising.

Disclaimer: The Georgia Trust does not own nor has any direct involvement with this historic site. The Trust’s involvement is limited to listing it on our Places in Peril list to bring awareness to it.