Atlanta Constitution Building

Known as “The Heart of Atlanta” because of its proximity to downtown Atlanta’s historic railroad junction, the Atlanta Constitution Building has been home to two iconic Georgia institutions. Constructed in 1947, the Atlanta Constitution Building is a rare Georgia example of Art Moderne architecture, that was home to the Atlanta Constitution newspaper during Ralph McGill’s term as editor. When the Atlanta Journal and Constitution consolidated and moved out of the building in 1955, Georgia Power occupied the building until 1972. It has been vacant ever since.
The building has withstood previous proposals for demolition, while recent efforts toward redevelopment have yet to materialize. A landmark in Atlanta, now is the time for the Constitution building to serve as the heart of a downtown revitalization.
Disclaimer: The Georgia Trust does not own nor has any direct involvement with this historic site. The Trust’s involvement is limited to listing it on our Places in Peril list to bring awareness to it.
Images by Halston Pitman