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Events at this venue

Georgia Trust GREEN Workshop


Want to improve energy efficiency in your historic property? Join us for this virtual Georgia Trust GREEN workshop.

Non-Profits 101


Tailored specifically to the unique landscape of historic African American resources in Georgia, this class is your gateway to the essentials of establishing and managing a non-profit organization.

2024 Historic Preservation Leadership Course


Learn about architectural history and historic preservation in Georgia. Continuing education credits are available. This course will be presented over three virtual, two-hour sessions. 

National Register Workshop


This two-hour workshop will introduce this important preservation tool, its functions and the nomination process, as well as challenges and opportunities involved in nominating African American resources. 

Fundraising 101


This class has been developed by The Georgia Trust to assist preservation nonprofit organizations and Places in Peril sites. The class will focus on the fundamentals of fundraising; topics will include special events, donor relations, grant writing, capital campaigns, planned giving and membership. Learn new ideas and strategies to help your organization succeed.

Georgia Trust GREEN Workshop


This workshop is for anyone interested in energy conservation and historic preservation—particularly homeowners looking for opportunities to improve their historic home’s energy efficiency.

2022 Historic Preservation Leadership Course


Learn about the history of Georgia and its rich architectural heritage. Session topics include an overview of Georgia history, historic architectural styles, historic architects of Atlanta, preservation law, and economic incentives for historic preservation.

Georgia Statewide Historic Preservation Conference


Using Zoom Webinar, the conference will include 2-3 virtual sessions per day. The conference will offer topics ranging from general preservation to economic incentives and tools for historic preservation communities.