As an attendee or vendor of the Preservation Gala on July 10, 2021, I do hereby attest that I have read the State of Georgia’s Executive Order as it is in effect of the date of signing this certification and release and the CDC Guidelines for Events and Gatherings and do hereby agree to abide by the terms of these documents and by any such policies and procedures of the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation as they are developed.
I also agree to release and forever hold harmless the Georgia Trust for any claims of liability arising from any illness contracted or thought to be contracted at the said Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation event.
I hereby attest that I have not had a fever without taking medication to reduce fever during that time for 7 days at over 100.4 degrees before attending said event.
I also agree that if I become ill, develop a fever of above 100.4 degrees or otherwise develop symptoms including sore throat, cough, fatigue, etc. then I will return home immediately and consult a qualified medical opinion.
I hereby agree to stay at least 6 (six) feet away from all other persons on the premises, maintain clean surfaces by regularly sanitizing them appropriately and wear approved masks while indoors except when eating and drinking for unvaccinated guests, as advised by the CDC.
I further agree to abide by other policies and guidelines developed by the State of Georgia, the CDC and the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation while participating at said event.